Seaview 2009

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No. 88 (Winter 2009)

1. Brief History of the Institute of Seatransport Lam Kit

2. 海運學會起源及早期歷史 陳保成

3. Determination of a Search Area Lam Kit

4. The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Column- New training requirements for the carriage of Dangerous Goods in containers John Wilson

5. 船務前瞻 朱志統

6. Law Column – Egg Shell Collision Paul Apostolis/ Gwenette Vetuz

7. Rule B Attachments in the United States Jon W. Zinke/ Eilzabeth Berry

8. Solution to the Pirate Alley Aon Hong Kong

9. Student Column – Discussions on Boxships of 8,000Teus (or 12,000 TEUs) on Ports Pua Ming Shien

10. Surveyor’s Notebook The Standard Club

No. 87 (Autumn 2009)

1. A Study Of Market Structure For Far East – Europe Liner Trade After The Abolishment Of Far East Freight Conference Peter C. C. Wong 3

2. 新的國際遇難求救訊號 林傑 12

3. Revision of ISM Code and STCW 95 Jim Mi Jimmy Ng 15

4. The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Column – SHIP MANAGEMENT IN 2009 Peter Cremers 21

5. Development of International Regulations on Seafarer Employment Arthur Bowring 26

6. Piracy – Does it give rise to a claim for General Average? Raymond T C Wong 30

7. Surveyor’s Notebook – Anchoring Offshore The Standard Club 36

No. 86 (Summer 2009)

1. Improving operating efficiency by integrating decisions on ship routing, berthing time assignment with transshipment option Pang King Wah 3

2. 對 <海商法> 第二百四十條的解釋兼談沿海運輸共同海損 葉偉膺 8

3. The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Column Unsuccessful Acquisition of Huiyuan Juice by Coca Cola – Impacts on Merger and Acquisition of Shipping Companies in China Jim Mi Jimmy Ng, Sik Kwan Tai, Peter Wong 18

4. Ship Finance Workouts: A Hong Kong Perspective Bill Amos 23

5. 2009年中國大陸港口業:機遇與挑戰並存 蘇新剛,吳少華 25

6. Validity of Arbitration Agreements under Chinese Arbitration Law Tai Sik Kwan 31

7. Surveyor’s Notebook – Fuel & lubricating oil fires ?hot surface insulation protection The Standard Club 38

No. 85 (Spring 2009)

1. News of Institute of Seatransport 2

2. Development of Qualifications Framework for the Logistics Industry David Ho 8

3. The Way Forward for UK Insurance Law (Part III) Rob Merkin 11

4. 回顧2008 – 瘋狂的一年 朱志統,沈文杰 18

5. Modern Piracy at Sea : A Global Challenge Paul Apostolis/ John Knott 20

6. Surveyor’s Notebook – Cargo : Wet Damage To Tin Plate Rolls The Standard Club 31

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