Seaview 2007

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No. 80 (Winter 2007)

1. Review of Manpower Infrastructure of the sea Transport Sector and its Development Henry Lee 3

2. 香港船舶註冊 – 您的業務夥伴 王世發 9

3. Ancillary Insurances Following a Maritime Casualty Raymond Wong 12

4. Transportation Equity and the Sustainability of the Outlying Islands Ferry Services in Hong Kong (abstract) Peter Wong 18

5. Balancing Quality and Serving the Needs of Owners Lee Kai-leung/ So Ping Chi 21

6. The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Column Piracy and Armed Robbery – Ships at Risk! Ashok K. Sharma 26

7. An Unjust Target Mary Thomson/ Fiona Li 31

8. Surveyor’s Notebook 36

No. 79 (Autmun 2007)

1. Balancing Quality and Serving the Needs of Owners Lee Kai-leung/ So Ping Chi 3

2. The Deadly Saviour Y. K. Li 10

3. 談 [二程提單] (The Switched Bills of Lading) 周獻隆 15

4. Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Column Stowaway – A menace to the shipping fraternity Ashok K. Sharma 19

5. 香港航運面臨挑戰和未來發展方向 顧建舟 25

6. Overview of Japanese Maritime Law Yosuke Tanaka 27

7. Surveyor’s Notebook 30

8. Hoi Tang 7 海上事故分析目的:認識歷史 , 鑑往知來 31

9. 新的本地船長考試 林傑 34

No. 78 (Summer 2007)

1. An ongoing battle: Protecting Cargo against criminal cunning Peter Lau 3

2. Hong Kong – Which charter party is incorporated into a bill of lading? Max Cross/ Rory Macfarlane 9

3. The Marine Insurance Act Centenary -A cause for celebration? Richard Cornah 13

4. 碩大就是美?從產品責任索賠案件談超大型船舶建造的風險 周獻隆 17

5. Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Column Bunkers – Part V Jagmeet Makkar 21

6. 香港航運業的回顧 (1900-1930年) 黃治中 26

7. GMDSS – Radiotelephony (Short Range) for non-SOLAS vessels Lam Kit 31

8. Surveyor’s Notebook 33

No. 77 (Spring 2007)

1. Maritime Arbitration in Hong KongMary Thomson 3

2. Hong Kong – The Hong Kong Court reconsiders discharge and delivery under the Hague-Visby Rules and the presentation rule in connection with Straight Bills Max Cross 9

3. Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Column-Bunkers Part III Jagmeet Makkar 13

4. 香港航運業的優勢和展望 馮佳培 17

5. Conducting E-commerce by Shipping and Logistics Industry under CEPA Jimmy Ng 20

6. 在海運學會2006年年會上的講話提綱 蘇新剛 24

7. Surveyor’s Notebook 27

8. Mediation-A General Discussion Manson Cheung 30

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