Seaview 2010

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No. 92 (Winter 2010)

1. Outlook of global economy and trading and its impact on shipping C. C. Tung

2. 航運周植樹活動演辭 邱誠武

3. Rise and fall of the freedom of contract under the bills of lading Chen Liang

4. 亞洲主要航運國家鼓勵航運發展的立法及政策 李連君/劉洋

5. Chairman’s Report 2010 So Ping Chi

6. Maritime Awareness Week and Nurturing the New Generation Jifen

7. 自由液面的嚴重影響 朱志統

8. Surveyor’s Notebook Part 1

No. 91 (Autumn 2010)

1. The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Column – The phasing out of single hull tankersIris Mak

2. 關於在我國港口靠泊船舶使用岸電的建議 高彥明

3. 關於對«關於在我國港口靠泊船舶使用岸電的建議»的回覆

4. Some Thoughts on Hong Kong Maritime Industry Ping-Chi So

5. 推進節能減排 力行綠色航運 談航運環保法規與環保技術的現狀與展望 黃哲婷

6. 船舶的橫推力 林傑

7. Surveyor’s Notebook

8. 2010年滬、深、港三地航運界交流及世博會遊記 積奮

No. 90 (Summer 2010)

1. The Rotterdam Rules Paul Apostolis/ Ashley Southern

2. 港珠澳大橋帶來的契機代表性與準確性的質疑 劉健儀

3. The Hope is Right in Our Hands Gao Yanming

4. The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Column-‘Our word our bond’: Professionalism and ethics in shipping (How to avoid losing your ‘pound of flesh’) John Wilson

5. 淺談船舶模擬駕駛器 梁永順

6. Surveyor’s Notebook

No. 89 (Spring 2010)

1. Inbound Logistics for Liner Shipping CompaniesLau Yui Yip/ Yip Tsz Leung

2. 關於波羅的海乾散貨運費指數(BDI)代表性與準確性的質疑 彭惠勇

3. Container Shipping Market Analysis and PredictionLuo Mei Feng

4. 海員空缺 林傑

5. The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Column Contractual Defaults – Panel Discussion Abhinav Makkar

6. 簡介香港國際安全與無害環境拆船公約 崔崇堯

7. Surveyor’s Notebook

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