Seaview 2011

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No. 96 (Winter 2011)

1.The Applicable Law in a Multimodal Transport Contract in China Tai Sik Kwan 3

2. 超大型散礦船如何順利通過Rightship的檢查 范中洲 8

3. An Analysis of Carrier’s Obligation to Delivery of Goods under the Rotterdam Rules Edward Yang Liu 14

4. 甲板見習生的航海散記2 方 威 26

5. 返回傳統基本功 BACK TO BASIC 林 傑 31

6. Critical Issues of Security in Supply Chain Management Joseph Lau 33

7. Surveyor’s Notebook 36

No. 95(Autumn 2011)

1. ICS Column – Consumer Insurance Contract Jimmy Ng/Tai Sik Kwan 2

2. 《甲板見習生的航海散記》1 方威 7

3. Enforcement of Mainland Chinese Arbitration Award Refused on Public Policy Grounds in Hong Kong Amid Warnings on the Dangers of Arb-med Mary Thomson 10

4. 全球商船完成10億噸運力 岑伊華 13

5. Shipowners and Governments – An Uneasy Partnership Helmut Sohmen 14

6. 易流態化貨物的安全承運 張雅峰 24

7. The Emergence on the Port of Hong Kong Joseph Lau 27

8. Surveyor’s Notebook 30

No. 94 (Summer 2011)

1. Shipowners and Governments – An Uneasy Partnership Helmut Sohmen

2. Impact of Japan’s Natural Disasters on the Shipping Industry Kenneth Koo

3. 亞洲主要航運國家鼓勵航運發展的立法及政策part 3 李連君/劉洋

4. 我對電子海圖ECDIS的人機界面的一點意見 林 傑

5. 福島核漏的真真假假閒聊 朱志統

6. Barriers to the Development of Marine Insurance Law Joseph Lau

7. 資歷架構確認從業員經驗與能力 吳儒俊

8. Surveyor’s Notebook – 2010-11

No. 93 (Spring 2011)

1. Maritime Industry v. Shipping Industry Kenneth Koo

2. 亞洲主要航運國家鼓勵航運發展的立法及政策part 2 李連君/劉洋

3. Warranty or Suspensive Condition? Joseph Lau/ Coco Ho

4. AIS-SART 林 傑

5. Adjusting Averages Raymond Wong

6. Surveyor’s Notebook – Part 2

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